Ripple is a popular cryptocurrency, the current XRP rate is updated every second. Exchange rate change in the last 24 hours in the XRP to USDT it was +1.20%. This volatility of the exchange rate allows traders to make high profits using the right trading strategies and the best exchange instruments. If you just want to buy or sell XRP for USDT at the best rate and at the same time do not want to understand the details of the functioning of the exchange and exchange technologies - just go to the “Quick Exchange” page in the main menu, specify the amount in XRP that you want to exchange, and the calculator will show you the result of the exchange. The current exchange rate for XRP/USDT is 0.3879.

It is very easy to buy XRP for USDT on the EXMO exchange, you only need to perform a few actions:

1. Log in to EXMO or create an account if you don't have one;

2. Go to the “Wallet” section of your personal account;

3. Select the USDT currency and top up your balance;

4. Go to the “Trades” page, select XRP/USDT in the list of currency pairs;

5. Scroll down to “Buy XRP” and “Sell XRP”;

6. Select the order type: Limit, Market or Stop:

• Use a Market Order (Market Order) if you want to instantly buy or sell XRP at the current market price (at the moment 1 XRP is 0.3879 USDT). This order does not require any additional settings.

• A limit order is an order to buy (or sell) XRP at a certain, more favorable price. A limit buy order is executed only at a specified maximum price or lower, and a limit sell order is executed only at a specified maximum price or higher.

• A stop order is a pending order for automatic purchase or sale operations, which is executed according to previously established restrictions in order to make a profit and (or) minimize possible losses.

7. Fill in the “Amount” and “Price” fields (pay attention to the transaction fee).

8. Click “Buy" or “Sell it.”

Easy, right? Now you know that buying Ripple and exchanging Tether for Ripple is available to all users. You just need to figure it out a little.




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