BTC to HMR exchange

 There are many electronic money exchangers offering customers favorable conditions. Proven exchangers with a reliable reputation will convert Bitcoin (BTC) into Monero (XMR) in the shortest possible time with a minimum commission. Find the right swap btc to xmr right now for the required amount in a matter of minutes in automatic or manual mode.

Monero (XMR) is an open source cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote protocol. Monero got its name from Esperanto — it translates as “coin”. Monero is one of the most anonymous cryptocurrencies. Transaction data inside is visible only to those who are a participant in a particular transaction. That is, all information about the transfer of funds is available only to two users between whom the transaction takes place. Unlike many cryptocurrencies made using algorithms used by Bitcoin, Monero is based on the CryptoNote protocol and has significant algorithmic differences related to the obituarization of the blockchain.

Bitcoin is primarily a cryptographically secure distributed ledger, which is called a blockchain. Bitcoin differs from standard financial systems in that it does not require a proxy or a central authority to operate. In the blockchain, mathematics and calculations are used to maintain integrity. The most accurate description of bitcoin is a decentralized payment system. Inside this system, there is a cryptocurrency for making transactions, which has a similar name — bitcoin.



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